When I arrived at the airport, it still didn't hit me "I'm traveling to the other side of the world". Still now I can't believe I'm here in Chile. El sur del mundo! No puedo creer eso. Anway, I got my ticket, my mom was a little emotional but I was on my way none the less. She couldn't stop me now! I was able to meet up with my friend Maggie whom I traveled with. The trip was so much better to have a friend around. I can't imagine my trip without her now. It would have been scary and boring (well more boring).
I was in Dallas, somewhere I had never been before. The first thing I saw was a TGI Friday's. I wanted to eat there, but realized it actually isn't my kind of food. So Maggie and I went to a little Cantina where I had Enchiladas de Espinaca! They were delicious. We had our minds on the trip and the long flight ahead. We finished eating and went to the gate. I then had my first panic attack (I was on the verge of crying during this time).
I realized I didn't have my passport!!! I remember being in the bathroom and putting it down on my luggage. I watched it carefully, but at this moment I didn't remember putting it away after that. So I had lost my PASSPORT! The first place I went to was that bathroom...running at this point. I looked around deleriously, it wasn't there. I ran upstairs to the Cantina, also wasn't there. I was really worried at this point and went to wait in line at the front desk hoping someone had turned it into the gate (oh and my boarding pass was with it)! I then went back to check my luggage one more time...just to make sure. It was in my backpack! I got myself worked up for nothing. In those few moments I realized how important this trip is to me. It's so true when people say "You don't know what you got til it's gone". I thought my dream was gone at that point. All turned out okay though, it was just me freaking out! haha
After the 9 1/2 hour flight we were in Santiago trying to find our way to immigration and then customs. I had another freak out! I was suppose to bring these documents, that I simply left at home. Luckily enough they just let me go through. We then went to get our luggage. I was nervous they lost it, but no it was all there :) One of my favorite parts of the trip...we grabbed our luggage and walked through these sliding doors that you could not see through. So that you cannot prepare yourself for what's behind the doors. As soon as the door open I heard "Taxi? Quieres Taxi? Luego necesitas Taxi?" I had about 10 people trying to get me on their taxi. It just started busting out laughing and said no. No gracias.
Then we had to check in to our domestic flight to Valdivia...Finally we were just 2 hours away. When we finally arrived I was so...not even sure what I felt. Perhaps it was excitement. I'm not sure. haha I was overwhelmed with so many emotions! I still can't believe I'm here speaking Spanish and hearing it every where. I love this town so far.
I just had dinner with my host family. Words cannot describe how wonderful they are. They are willing to cook w/out meat, talk slower for me, they gave me a phone for down here!!...the list just goes on and on! I know someone has been looking out for me. Who ever that is...Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Until next time :)
P.S Sorry for the length...I just found everything so interesting.
Buenas Noches.
This was my first Chilean friend, Nina :)
kelsey, this brought tears to my eyes. you are such a strong woman. i am so FREAKIN proud of you girl! YOU ARE DOING IT!! i look forward to your blog, your writings are very nice! i love you and am thinking of you!!